Management Information System is a computer-based or manual system that transforms data into information useful in the support of decision making. MIS can be classified as performing three functions: To generate reports-for example, financial statements, inventory status reports, or performance reports needed for routine or non-routine purposes. To answer what-if questions asked by management. To support decision making.A knowledge-based system is a computer program that reasons and uses knowledge to solve complex problems. Traditionally, computers have solved complex problems using arithmetic algorithms created by programmers. With knowledge-based systems, human knowledge is captured and embedded explicitly within a program in a symbolic format.
Knowledge-based expert systems are intelligent computer programs that capture the specific knowledge of a particular domain and mimic the problem-solving process of human experts to accomplish the tasks that normally require competent specialists for their solutions.
The aim is to reduce development and maintenance costs, and to build flexible, component-based systems that can be adapted to changing environments.